
Hugo Layouts#

  • _default/single.html : Single page layout
  • _default/section.html : Section layout (a section typically has _index.md and contains other pages)

Blog post layouts:

  • layouts/partials/posts/post.html: Blog post layout
  • layouts/partials/posts/list.html: Blog post listing layout
  • layouts/partials/posts/tag.html: Tag page layout
  • layers/partials/posts/comments.html: Empty by default; can be overridden to place a comments section

Shortcut list#

The depths of the shortcut list on the left of each post can be controlled by setting the shortcutDepth parameter in the post preamble. It defaults to 2.

Page information#

Each page should contain a summary in the preamble, otherwise the site description is provided as metadata.

Custom JavaScript#

Custom JavaScript can be added as /assets/js/my_js.js (where my_js can be any name).


The first post from /content/en/news will be highlighted on the front page. If you don’t want that, remove the /content/en/news folder.

By default, news items link to the /news category page (which lists all news items). You can override that by setting newsLink in the preamble of any news post.

Single page news#

If you prefer to list all your news items on one page, you may do so in /news.md, instead of adding posts to /news. Set the newsHeader parameter in the preamble of that document to populate the banner on the front page.

The tools/team_query.py file gets a list of team members from GitHub. To use it, you will need to set the GH_TOKEN environment variable to a personal access token.

Example usage:

python team_query.py --org scientific-python --team spec-steering-committee --title "Spec Steering Committee" > content/en/teams/spec-steering-committee.md

we generate a raw HTML gallery, and provide a shortcode (include-html) for pulling it in anywhere on the site.


The theme supports analytics through Plausible, which can be self-hosted or paid-for at https://plausible.io/. To enable Plausible analytics, add to your config.yaml:

    dataDomain: your-domain.org
    javaScript: https://your.plausible.io/javascript/path.js

By default, javaScript points to the server at https://views.scientific-python.org. Contact the Scientific Python team to have your analytics hosted there.


You can add custom icons (for use in, e.g., the footer) by downloading Material-UI SVGs from Google Fonts to the /assets/icons directory.

In the footer, the icons can then be used like the ones built-into the theme. To use them elsewhere, e.g. in Hugo templates, we provide an svg-icon partial. For example, /assets/icons/my-icon.svg is displayed using:

{{ partial "svg-icon" "my-icon" }}

Mermaid diagrams#

Mermaid diagrams are rendered from code blocks:

graph LR
    A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle))
    A --> C(Round Rect)
    B --> D{Rhombus}
    C --> D
graph LR
    A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle))
    A --> C(Round Rect)
    B --> D{Rhombus}
    C --> D

Creating a blog#

Pages that are placed under either content/posts or content/blog will be formatted as blog posts.

On this page